This piece is based on the fable of the scorpion and the frog.
The fable of the scorpion and the frog has it wherein a scorpion asks a frog to ride upon his back to cross a river. The frog answers "no you will sting me". The scorpion replies "if I were to sting you, we would both drown, I have my own self preservation at heart". Seeming sensible enough the frog agees to ferry the scorpion. Midway across the river the scorpion strikes and as the poisoned frog drowns he asks "why?" The scorpion replies "I couldn't help it. It is in my nature."
Their tragic demise was equally derived of the violent self nature of the scorpion and the naivety of the frog. The hybridization of the two portrays that the frog stabbed himself in the back. The bird fleeing from this wheel of tragic karma resembles escaping one's own self nature.