In designing this mural we wanted to showcase the native plant life to Minnesota and specifically speak to the area before mankind’s influence. To get a better understanding and inspiration we spoke to a panel composed of women of the Dakota Nation who are specialists in the fields ecological knowledge, history, and the arts. These panelists discussed the plant species as “relatives” to us all and it really helped bring a personal level of a deeper relationship and appreciation for our native wildlife.
One of the topics we found particularly fascinating was that “Invasive Species” should be considered “Displaced Species” and that many of the plants that are perceived nuisances actually have healing properties. For example, Fern Renville, a teaching artist who utilizes stinging nettles in her traditional basket weaving informed us the plant is actually not only high in nutrients but can help stomach aches. Also skin contact produces a protective antihistamine and has anti-inflammatory properties. We proudly display this plant relative of ours on the right side of the mural.
Keeli Siyaka, a Dakota language specialist and horticulturist, spoke on the history of Mni Sota being “the land that reflects the sky” or “the land where the water is clouds”. Minnesota was originally formed and interconnected through waterways before industrialization changed the landscape of these natural waterways. Much like a highway, the river system created communities on the water for travel by canoe but also for our plant relatives to migrate. Being that our collective of artists are avid bicyclists, some without cars, we wanted to showcase a river to symbolize the Greenway as our highway.
The painted turtle is a nod to the story of the tortoise and the hare wherein that the Greenway may not be as quick driving, you can still slow down to smell the prairie roses.
Painted in collaboration by Benja Wuest, Jess Zottola, Katie Hill, and Nick Vander Loop
A big thank you to our panelists for their inspiring stories and knowledge. To Morgan Luzier for her dedication to beautifying our city and putting the project together. To the Lake Street Council and the Midtown Greenway Coalition for being our primary sponsors. To the Lynlake Street Art Series Festival for putting on an incredible event that supports artists. Finally to all of the LLSAS sponsors which can be found on the website.